Saturday, October 5, 2013

Regrouped and pushing forward

Christ it's been quite a while since I last blogged anything.  My life has consumed me in so many aspects.  If I'm not coming, I'm going.  Sitting still is hard work for me and quite frankly annoying.

For about a year now I have been trying to put together assorted charity events which to my dismay have been a challenge.  It seems I can help others accomplish their goals.  But from my experience I am realizing that when I attempt to head up an event, things seems to start falling apart.

It seems that I get everything set to happen; then before the event is to happen, there is fit that tries to splatter on the shan.  The first event I tried to put together was great!  I had some really good corporate sponsors, my advertising was well published plus the individuals who were going to the demonstrations, presentations and workshops were all hyped up.  I was stoked and ready to soar!

A couple of months before the charity event was to begin, the owner to where this venue was to take place decided he wanted to renig on the contract. So I ended up having to cancel the event. Needless to say I was extremely pissed off.  To top it off, the owner to where the venue was to take place wanted me to continue to advertise for him.  The stupid fucking twat-waffle then later tells me that his plan was to fuck me over from the beginning.

Well, since then I have regrouped. The group of guys who I am working with now are awesome! Putting all of our minds together, we have decided to create a new charity venue.

I guess this is the start of a new beginning in my life. All I have to say is that I hope I'm a success at this.  I know I have the determination and willpower to push forward.

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