Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Go Back to Licking the Windows

This evening I was floored by a single phone call.  I received a call from one of my biological brothers this evening.  Now it's been around 20 years since I heard anything from him.  And quite frankly, I feel that if I would have never heard from him, my evening would have been quite soothing.

If you don't know about the past relations I've had with my biological family - then this would be a quandary for you.  I am openly gay.  My openness is my biological families Nemesis. Since I've come out of the closet, everyone of Herrmanns (except for my son(s)) have had an issue with me.

The one and only thing they do not allow within their uncivilized realm is homosexuality, people of color and those who do not believe in any Christian faith.

Quite frankly, the only conclusion I can come up with which may have initiated him calling me was for the mere fact he had to be drunk off his ass and had to vent out. This sort of behavior was normal for him.  I tried to feel his love for me when he stated that he'd like to dip my feet in concrete and hide my body in the lake.  It was a touching moment.  In reply I let him know that he still hasn't matured.

I'm not worried or feeling threatened by him.  I'm more like irritated that the character Forest Gump seems more like a Rocket Scientist next to my own biological brother.  All I have to say is that I hope he finds his helmet and goes back to licking the windows rather soon.

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