Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I hate this time of the year!!!  Who knows what it stems from - being cooped up inside after being outside everyday - all day long during the summer or the mere fact that snow and cold keeps me isolated.  Yeah I know I'm a heat baby - the hotter the better!!!!  This year I feel a bit isolated from everyone and everything. On the other hand, maybe I'm secluding myself from others more than usual.

I know one thing that has helped me this year is meeting up with Robbie and spending time with him.  Even though we broke up almost 2 years ago, there is a piece of my heart that is stuck on him.  And I have to admit, the last time he was here, I finally felt a closure from our past.  And honestly our times together are grand - nothing in this world can change that.  I realize life has moved on for both of us.  Seeing him ride off gave me great closure to what our life once was.  By all means, it's not a bad thing at all.  I can actually say Good-bye to our past and hello to a great future.  I love him as the person he is and look forward to having a wonderful friendship with him.  We always had our own views, now understanding and accepting those comes into play.  I may have lost a wonderful lover. But I have gained a wonderful friend.  And I cherish that.

Throughout the summer I have made some really great friendships with some really awesome people!!!  Being at the campgrounds almost every weekend this last summer has really changed me in great lengths. I would have never thought; this one campground, I started going to over 6 years ago, would have really made so much of an impact on me.  Now that the warmer weather is gone, I can honestly say I miss being there most of all.  There isn't a day that goes by where the individuals who have touched my life, throughout the years, where the love and kindness gives me that warm gushy feeling inside.  I feel the love and kindness from those who have entered my life after being at the campgrounds.  I have made plenty of friends with so many different social aspects this summer.  I'm amazed at everyone whom I have been in contact with throughout the summer.  Quite frankly, if you have never been with me camping, then you need to get out and meet some really awesome people. No matter what your social status happens to be, there is always someone there you can connect with.  There are so many decent people who go there.  But we all have the same common interest in mind which brings us all together.

I've meet people from many walks of life and backgrounds. Each person is an individual and each person has a distinct personality - no matter what, we all have a common denominator amongst us where we all can relate.

With being away from my social aspects which I enjoy, I'm finding myself slowly climbing back into that seclusion of hibernating during the colder months.  I'll be damned if I'm going to let it get to me this year. I found a guy who has peeked my interest.  That's not saying I'm in love or I'm going to run off and get married any time soon - OH HELL NO!!!!  I'm not dead in the head just yet.  Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm leaning a little too far over the edge.  Don't worry, I have a grip - I just want to see what's coming up ahead.

For everyone who knows me, I deal with my life day by day, looking for the next adventure!  Living on the edge.  As my friend Ted often said to me; "Perry, I wish I could live life like you do."  In return I always say "Ted, I wish I could live life like you do."

(I don't know what it is, but every time I start writing a personal blog, someone has to come along with their personal aspects which inflict my train of thought; which throws me so off track in my thought process. So, if this whole blog goes astray - you know someone has me side tracked - AGAIN!!!)

No matter the geographical distance between all my friends and myself, there is always closeness between us. Common desires, interests, hobbies, views and thought process creating a huge pool of diversity amongst us.  I learn a great deal from all my friends.  In some aspects, I think someone created all the different holidays this time of year so we can all connect with those who have touched our lives. 

Well, I salute all my good friends - and the bad ones too!!!  If it wasn't for you, I would not be the person I am today.  So lift up your glass, gulp that drink down. Slam the glass on the bar and tell the bartender that Perry said you "get a free refill" and to pour you another one.  So, remember my dear friends, don't let this time of year get you down.  Just remember, no matter where you are or what you're doing - your friends helped create the person you are today, and with all the craziness which you personally add to it, you're an awesome individual.  

I give you all my crazy love!  Now smile, because you're one of the crazy ones who helped create the person I am today.

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