Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Such a Twist!


We all know that tobacco is an issue for many people. But this advertisement played over and over again seems to be displaying the wrong message. Tobacco companies haven't advertised in decades over the bigger medias like radio and television.

After decades of trying to wipe out the tobacco companies, who really is the culprit for those who use tobacco products today? Now kids don't have access to any tobacco products in stores, how is this one commercial different from all the rest? Many can say that I'm wrong in my thought process towards this marketing directive.

Here we have a commercial about tobacco companies advertising towards kids. Enticing them with assorted flavors and entertaining the possibility they could consume the items. In a sense I can see it.  But in reality - No! I find two descrepencies within this ad. The company who created this ad is the one who IS advertising and enticing children towards tobacco products. What they are doing is like dangling a carrot in front of a horse to make it walk. "Here kiddies, doesn't this smell good?" "Hey Kiddies, does this smell like something you'd like to consume?" "Here Kiddies, doesn't this look good all spread out for you to want these items?"

There is a second aspect of this which grinds a nerve. As adults/parents, aren't we the ones to teach our children about smoking and tobacco. You can claim I am controdicting myself at this point. But please say that after I have said my point of view.

I grew up with both parents who smoked, all three of my brother's smoked, the neighbor guys smoked, women from church had a special Woman's Guild where they would smoke, sew and bitch all afternoon. As a child, smoking was a form of status. Now that tobacco is deemed unhealthy, who's responsibility is it to educate the youth of today. Don't count on the companies, they want your money. It starts with adults and parents who are apart of the child's life.

As I said, I am going to sound contradicting. But I really feel that if my parents, brothers and such didn't smoke or use tobacco products - plus if they knew the hazards these items created for an individual. Smoking tobacco wouldn't be an issue for anyone.

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