Monday, February 21, 2011

It Just Amazes Me!

It just amazes me on how people today feel that this world owes them.  After all the shit I have gone through in my life, the struggles of everyday life, working exceptionally hard everyday for everything I have.  I can understand a person losing the energy due to circumstances within their life to move on.  With everything that has been happening with the economy and everyday aspects of functioning.  I believe everyone should push a little harder to move forward.  After watching Bill Mahr, he had it right when he commented on "for those of you who claim that they want their Country back, well I want my Country forward!"

From the time I was a child, I worked for every penny I earned.  I never asked for handouts!  Hell, I used to mow other peoples lawns, pull weeds, baby sit, paint houses, walk dogs, pick stuff out of the garbage and sell it just for money.  Today's generation is not like that at all - and why?  As generation have moved forward, we, as the older generation have wanted to give the next generation something better.  So ask yourself, have we actually given the following generations something better than when we had it?  No we haven't.  We have just enabled the next generation to hope and dream.  Giving someone the knowledge, skills and showing them the fruits of their labor is far better than letting them sit off to the side and just watch. How can anyone completely learn something if they are not involved in what they should be doing?

For me growing up, most of the money I earned went right to my family.  This made a great deal of difference to entire family.  My Father had become disabled when I was about 10 years old.  After seeing a man who worked 2 jobs everyday become bed-ridden, it just hurt me to see this happening to him.  After the Workman;s Compensation had stopped, there was no money.  We had to do everything we could to keep our home, feed us and pay the bills.  It was rough.  I could tell there were days where my parents were so stressed out over money - even for the simplest of things.   I knew with what little money I earned and gave to them meant a great deal.  I never knew what any of that money went towards.  But I do know this, it did have a roof over my head, food in my stomach and house I could call home.

I get disappointed with the generation of today.  You expect someone to take care of you, you expect someone to put a roof over your head, you expect someone to provide for you.  Stop and think about why you are cold, hungry and why you have nothing.  How can you provide for yourself if you are not willing to try and provide for yourself?  Everytime I see someone begging on the street corners for money, I just sit and wonder "What in the hell happened?"

When my Grandfather was still alive, I would like to spend time with him.  My Grandfather was a hobby carpenter and built many things in his work shed.  The hours spent learning wood working and getting to know him are priceless.  And what I cherish most is no one can take that away from me.

While our family was going through the hard times of not having any money, my Mother utilized her art skills to create pieces to sell.  From her I learned a great deal in life and many skills.  I believe this is why I have her stubbornness!  Putting forth every effort into making a bad circumstance better for yourself and those around you.  In my eyes, knowing how to take the skills and knowledge one has and turn it into something one can profit from, cherish and teach to others is a gift that can be passed onto generations to come.

Too many people today just don't allow themselves to share these talented gifts.  There is no reason why anyone can not help or provide for their home, living situation or circumstances.

My word of advice for the next generation, quit asking for a handout seeing as you are not willing to provide for yourself and expect others to provide for you.  I've never gotten a hand out from anyone, so why come to me when I can barely provide for myself?  No one but me pays for my rent, insurance, gas, vehicle, home, food, electric bill, gas bill and everything else I need.  It amazes me when people start to think they are my pets.  I'm not a Tea Bagger and expect the government or others to provide for me.